Curriculum Design

Welcome to Curriculum Design!!

"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." -Mark Twain

"If someone is too tired to give you a smile, leave one of your own because no one needs a smile as much as those who have none to give" -Rabbi Sampson Raphael Hirsch


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What is a curriculum?

A curriculum is a planned sequence of learning experiences. In designing a curriculum, whether for a whole degree program or for a particular unit, you are planning an intellectual 'journey' for your students - a series of experiences that will result in them learning what you intend them to learn. Typically, these experiences will include attendance at lectures and classes, work in small groups, private study, preparing work for assessment and so on.

Curriculum design includes consideration of aims, intended learning outcomes, syllabus, learning and teaching methods, and assessment. Each of these elements is described below. It also involves ensuring that the curriculum is accessible and inclusive, i.e. that students with disabilities, and from all backgrounds, can participate in it with an equal chance of success. (The University of Manchester, 2017)

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  1. For me curriculum desing class is very important because it talks about how the education Works in the coutry and how we get experiences from

    1. Hello everyone!
      In my own words,I strongly believe that nothing can prepare a teacher to face those factors. Nevertheless, teachers can create a link between home and School which can improves the relation. In fact, teachers can applies different strategies inside the classroom that can help.

  2. Hi classmates!
    For me it is a reality that are presented in educational centers, as we future teachers can deal with it only by managing with other institutions, whether private or public, working hand in hand with parents, higher education authorities and also with the students .

  3. Hello guys, as teachers we should have strategies to face all those factors, how? keeping in mind that every child has different problems to overcome, and teachers must be prepared to help their students. As an example if one of your students has an economic problem you can help him, maybe with some school supplies or something like that. Our job is not just to teach, it is also to help.

  4. Hello guys and Mr.

    I think that no one can be prapere to face those factors. But, as teachers we should be able to help our students when they face a problem. For example, when they have problems with their families, we can support them. It does not means that we have to take the role of parents, but sometimes we have to act like we were it.

  5. Good night
    I think a teacher has to know that that's the rality of being a teacher because not everything is going to be good or perfect and that a teacher in sot a super hero, therefore a teacher the best thing to do is to seek how to relate and interact with all these factors including techniques and strategies to deal with these situations.

  6. good night guys ...
    as teachers we must know that to face these challenges it is necessary to use all the environment that generates or propitiates the classroom in our favor. although there is nothing that there is nothing that can prepare us for the different situations that arise but we can look for how to solve them, being aware that it is an important part for the effective learning of both parties.

  7. I think a teacher can never be prepared to face every daily problem ut since the they we decided become a teacher is because we can look for strategies to give a class improving imagination and creativity of the students giving them motivation to go to school no matter their situations at home or maybe at school.

  8. Good evening everyone

    How can teachers be prepared to face factors as economy, society, culture and familiar in their students?

    Teachers prepare lesson plans to develop helpful activities that let students create, explore, discover, and enjoy the process of learning. But that's not the only thing they have in their hands. There are times when teachers need to find solutions to problems that can affect students. Sometimes teachers need to find ways that allow students get some materials. It is necessary to find ways that let students establish good connections between classmates. It is also important for teachers to create an environment that makes students understand that it is important to respect others' beliefs, traditions, opinions, etc. Teachers should find activities that let students see that they must feel proud of who they are and where they come from.

  9. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  10. All teachers should be prepared to have students in their classroom, students with different ways of thinking, personalities, culture and economic situation . It is very important to have a balance as a teacher and a friend, try to find techniques that are effective so each student feel involved in the activities and accepted regardless of their economy, culture or family problems. As a teacher we must create a link with the students, feeling that the classroom as a place to expressed though learning about important things and helping them to improve in their lives.

  11. I think that we as teachers must know that we are going to have many challenges in a classroom, maybe some teachers if they are prepared for this and others not but we must know how to handle every situation that we present with either strategies or looking for techniques for economic problems, familiar and to create a good environment in the classes for the effectiveness of our students.

  12. Hi everybody!
    The different between ESL and TESL is :
    ESL Teaching to Speakers of Other Languages is quite possibly the most talked about acronym that involves every aspect of teaching English to people who are non-native speakers and TESL or Teaching English as a Second Language can be involved with teaching English to foreign English speakers which are living in an English speaking country. A good example of this would be a Honduran immigrant learning English in USA. TESL is an English teaching qualification.

  13. We selected as a topic: School and Teacher in the digital environment.

  14. these are the comments my classmates made in class.

    according to Geiby Tejeda(2017) that is mean that people achieve something when they dicided to go out and look for better opportunities.

    acording to Gisselle Rivas(2017) The difference is that teacher has to shows the information then guide to the student.

    Acording to Cristy Ceballos(2017) yes, you remeber and also you understand you are able to explain what something means to you or what you think about it.

    Acording to Ruiz(2017) people can be able to take the best decition in every situation that they are living with the help of a reasonable think.

    Acording to Wendy (2017) can you generate new products, ideas or ways of viewing things? I things, yes because everyone is going to see in a different way depending on their point of view, through their opinion.

  15. Our topic is ‘A new method for assessing critical thinking in the classroom’


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